Laboratory 1

Introductory questions


Keith Locquiao

Student ID


Where did you last study before coming to Dawson?

St-Luc Secondary High-school

What program are you currently enrolled in?

Social Science

What are your plans after completing your DEC?

Continue my studies in university.

What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is english.

What is your favorite past-time/hobby/sport?

I like to watch shows during my free-time, going to the gym is my hobby and I like to play basket-ball as a sport.

Who do you most admire and why?

My mom, because she has done so much for me.

Honestly, why did you select this course?

To be frank, I chose this course because I have a slight interest in computers, and seeing this course related to computers made me want to select this course.

Describe two different learning activities that you find most effective.

1-Group study sessions with classmates where they can question each other about their common subjects. 2-Review everything that you learned at school right after you get home.